Home Remodeling Costs on Long Island: Price Per Square Foot


What does a home remodeling on Long Island cost per square foot?

Long Island’s proximity to New York City and the Hamptons means that the same regional averages apply. However, real estate prices in Long Island are lower than their neighbors on both sides, and this affects renovation costs.

Most full-home Sweeten renovations in villages including Great Neck, New Hyde Park, and Bellport generally start at $100 psf. Sweeten contractor Aaron estimates that cosmetic facelifts for dry rooms can be $30$70 psf for his projects, while wet rooms (rooms that are connected to a water supply, i.e., bathrooms or kitchens) typically start at $375 per square feet.

In Sweeten’s experience, bathrooms in Long Island are typically larger than 5’x8′ and can measure 8″x7′ or 9″x7′. High-end (full custom, luxury materials) wet room renovations can cost well over $700 per square foot. This cost range includes everything from architectural design and drawings to fixtures, demolition, expediting, construction—the whole project.

Fewer hurdles in Long Island

Since most residential renovations in Long Island are for single-family, fully detached houses, the logistics of renovation are more straightforward. Contractors won’t need to worry about where to park a car or have limits on the permitted construction hours. (Even if there are city ordinances that limit noise, those are much longer than the working hours typically permitted by an NYC co-op.)

Furthermore, apartment buildings, whether condo or co-op, typically require contractors to ensure cleanliness in the hallways. When workers must spend the beginning and end of the workday prepping and cleaning the halls, this can take up precious time! These factors, which don’t impact most Long Island houses, can result in more affordable prices for those renovators.

Sweeten contractor Aaron tells us that, since construction was permitted to restart after the shutdown, clients are itching to get back to their renovations. The most common renovations he’s seeing are additions, dormers, kitchens, baths, pool pavers, and decks.


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