The bulk of your bathroom remodeling costs will be tied to the total number of fixtures, and the quality of the fixtures and materials you choose. A small full bathroom with 3-4 fixtures and a large full bathroom with 3-4 fixtures, might cost close to the same because the only difference will be in square footage of flooring and wall treatments. On the other hand, a half bathroom with only 2 fixtures, a sink and toilet, will cost considerably less than a full bath renovation with 3-4 fixtures.
On Long Island, the cost for a typical half bathroom remodel can range from $7,000-$26,000 and up; whereas the cost for a full, rip-and-replace remodel of a small full bathroom can range from $17,500-$71,000 and up, depending on finish level of the materials used. A major gut renovation for a bathroom of the same size would add an additional 15-25% to the total cost of materials and labor.